Nintendo Star was originally started in 2002 and has a long history as a Nintendo authority. While the site has evolved and continues to change, we are still dedicated to providing the best Nintendo related content to our readers. Through blogging about video games, writing reviews for our favorite consoles, covering news on Nintendo, and authority content, we are here for you!
We love user feedback – so if you see something you think could be better, send us an email! Also please take time to follow us on Twitter (@NintendoStar) and Instagram (@TheNintendoStar).
Thanks to all the writers, editors, contributor, and owners of the past from all over the world who made Nintendo Star what it is!
Jesse, Editor
Jesse is a long time Nintendo lover raised on power gloves and AA batteries. He spends his free time traveling Europe and occasionally beating his enemies to death in Smash.
Mike, Contributor
Mike is a law student desperately attempting to work his way into Intellectual Property Law in video games. He spends his days studying, writing, eating ice cream, and occasionally playing. Although he lost faith in Nintendo with the Wii U after being a Nintendo Faithful since the NES, he has reconverted into Fandom after the Nintendo Switch announcement. He can best be described as smart, handsome, resourceful, and awesome at writing about himself in the third person.